英国Cranfield大学Patrick Luk博士应邀为电气学院师生举行学术讲座


          2010316下午,76net必赢官网2010年电气论坛第5次活动在玉泉校区电机工程楼201会议室举行。英国Cranfield大学Patrick Luk博士做了主题为“Electric Motors, Electric Drives, Electric Vehicles”的学术讲座。报告会由76net必赢官网电机工程系主任、航天电器与微特电机研究所所长沈建新教授主持。学院相关学科师生七十余人参加了报告会。

Patrick Luk博士在报告中首先介绍了由于全球能源危机以及环境污染等引起的诸多问题,包括整个世纪以来二氧化碳的排放量的不断增加,人口数量的激增引起的环境恶化等,与此同时,Patrick Luk博士结合电机与电器专业,提出新型的汽车发展规划。特别的,近几年电动汽车,包括混合动力汽车以及纯电动汽车等的兴起,给电机与电器专业提供了很大的施展空间。然而电动汽车发展并不是一帆风顺的,Patrick Luk博士指出,在这期间,汽车制造不仅仅需要解决电池问题,包括电池性能的提高、废旧电池的处理等,结合电机与电器专业,电机种类的选择对电动汽车制造也有很大的影响。他提出了多种适用于电动汽车的电机,包括永磁同步电机、开关磁链电机等,并对此进行了具体分析与比较。最后,Patrick Luk博士对未来的电机制造以及电动汽车的发展进行展望,与在座的所有师生共勉。

报告结束后,同学们就本次讲座内容踊跃提问,Patrick Luk博士耐心详细地进行了讲解。同时,Patrick Luk博士和在场的师生就电动汽车电池问题,电机设计以及电机制造等技术进行了热烈的讨论。



Patrick Luk博士简介

Dr Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk is currently the Head of Power and Drive Systems Group, in the Department of Engineering Systems and Management, Cranfield University, U.K.  He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, Chairman of IEEE Power Electronics Chapter for UK and Republic of Ireland, and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. He got his BSc from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1983, MPhil from Sheffield University in 1989, and PhD from University of Glamorgan, Wales, in 1992.  


He has been the technical advisor to several companies in automotive and electrical drives, including Mitsubishi Electric UK, Lotus Cars, NICE Car Company UK, and Scorpion Energy Systems (HK). He has won a number of industrial awards, including the Innovation Award by Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in 2006, the Excellence Award by Knowledge Transfer Network for his Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project in 2009. In the last 6 years, he has successfully won over £1.2m research fund as the principal investigator, including a highly prestigious multi-partner EU-programme on the development of an inventive electric powertrain for electric vehicles.


With biography featured in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Finance and Industry by Marques U.S. since 2001, Dr Luk has published over 90 technical publications and reports, and holds 2 US patents and 2 GB patents in electric drives.