2014年电气论坛第31次活动-IGBT Modules and Applications


IGBT Modules and Applications
1)    Power Electronics and Power Devices
2)    Power Device Basic
3)    Design Flow of Power Electronic Equipment
4)    Parallel Connection
5)    Series Connection
6)    Over Voltage and Snubber Circuit Design
主讲人:Seki Yasukazu
Dr. Yasukazu SEKI received B.S., Master and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tokyo University of Science in 1975, 1977 and 1981, respectively.After receiving Ph.D degree, he joined Fuji Electric, Co.,Ltd. Dr. Seki is now Senior Chief Engineer of Corporate R&D Headquarters in Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd in Japan from last year after the CTO of Fuji Electric Europe GmbH in Germany.
 Dr. Seki has over 30 years of experience in the field of power devices and power electronics technology. Especially, he has mainly charged in IGBT device design and development in Fuji Electric from 1981 to 2010, and he was the member of first production of Fuji IGBT in 1985. Recently, he takes part in SiC device development for the future power devices. In addition, he participates Fuji Working Group member of new applications using with SiC devices.
 Dr. Seki was a General Chair of ISPSD 2010 and is also an Advisory Board Member of ISPSD (International Symposium of Power Devices and ICs) and an Advisory Board Member of PCIM in Europe.