

20219月17日,来自弗吉尼亚理工大学的张宇昊博士,应76net必赢官网之邀,于玉泉校区电机工程楼201室,进行主题为“New Advances in GaN and Ga2O3 Power Semiconductor Devices”的学术报告。报告会由76net必赢官网吴新科教授主持,电气学院师生30余人聆听了报告。


张宇昊博士首先介绍了他在弗吉尼亚理工大学的CPES实验室(Center for Power Electronics Systems),接着从GaN功率器件的可靠性出发,详细的讨论了GaN HEMT器件的鲁棒性、中压/高压GaN功率器件的最新进展和大面积超宽禁带Ga2O3器件的封装电-热学研究。张宇昊博士深入浅出的讲解了GaN HEMT器件的无浪涌特性对器件设计的影响,进而引出了垂直型GaN器件的可靠性优势,并结合产业界最新进展,加深了我们对GaN器件发展的认识。接着,以最新的Ga2O3器件的封装后性能为切入点,向我们分享了Ga2O3器件的发展方向。





Dr. Yuhao zhang is an assistant professor at the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES), the Bradly Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech. CPES is one of the largest university-based power electronics research centers in the U. S. Before joining Virginia Tech in 2018, Dr. Zhang worked as postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 2017 to 2018.He received his Ph. D. and S. M., in 2017 and 2013, respectively. He received his B. S. in physics from Peking University in 2011. His research interest is at the intersection of power electronics, microelectronics devices, and advanced materials. He received the MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories Doctoral Dissertation Award in Spring 2017, the IEEE CAREER Award in 2021, and Outstanding New Assistant Professor Award of Virginia Tech Engineering in 2021. He has authored over 80hournal papers and conference proceedings in electron device and power electronics communities (e. g., IEDM, EDL, APL, T-PEL, JESTPE, APEC, URPS, Nature, etc.) and holds 4 granted U. S. patents. His student received the best presentation award in APEC 2021 and best Ph. D. Dissertation Award of the IEEE Power Electronics Society.
